The Properties forming the Hilltop Homeowners Association shall be subject to the following Rules, Regulations and Procedures. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures govern the details of the use of the Properties and require approval of any addition, alteration or change to the exterior of the Dwelling Units. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
In such cases, Board members must recuse themselves from voting on issues where there could be a perceived conflict of interest. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures are in addition to the restrictions contained in the Association’s Declaration and Bylaws but are not used to override or supersede regulations outlined in the Declarations.
All present and future Owners, Owner’s family members, occupants of the Dwelling Units, tenants, guests, agents, employees, and invitees are subject to and bound by these Rules, Regulations, and Procedures. Each Owner shall be responsible for any violation of these Rules, Regulations, and Procedures by their family members, occupants, tenants, guests, agents, employees, and invitees of the Owner and any other individuals occupying or visiting the Owner’s Dwelling Unit.
Architectural Control – IMPORTANT!
No house, garage, building, structure, driveway or fence shall be erected, constructed or maintained on said Properties without the Hilltop HOA’s prior written approval. No addition to, change or alteration shall be made to the Dwelling Unit, including a change in the exterior colors of the Dwelling Unit, without the Hilltop HOA’s prior written approval. None of the above shall be permitted unless and until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, floor plans, color scheme, location, front and rear facings, roofing and elevations thereof have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Hilltop HOA.
ALL requests for exterior additions, exterior repairs, alterations and/or changes must first be submitted to the Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com and approved by the Hilltop HOA before beginning any project. Any additions, alterations and/or changes to a Dwelling Unit and/or Lot made or completed prior to obtaining approval and/or which is not approved by the Hilltop HOA shall be removed and the Dwelling Unit and/or Lot shall be restored to its original condition at Owner’s sole cost and expense. The Hilltop HOA shall have the right to decline to approve any such plans and specifications submitted. In the event the Hilltop HOA fails to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval shall be deemed to have been granted.
Air Conditioners (Window and Ground)
The Hilltop HOA acknowledges that the units are 30+ years old. Some owners have expressed the need to use window air conditioning units out of necessity due to inadequate insulation etc. It may not be the homeowner’s intent to resort to this solution that requires added expense, effort to install/remove, or that impacts neighborhood aesthetics. The Hilltop HOA also acknowledges that some homeowners are using window units for health or safety reasons in extreme temperatures or while HVAC units are being repaired.
Please promptly install and remove such units at the appropriate time or when the season changes. The HOA reserves the right to require removal in instances of unsightliness or where there is a failure to maintain an attractive condition, as determined by the HOA.
The HOA does not inspect, monitor and clean ground-level HVAC units for any reason, including concerns for debris or grass clippings.
Animals, Insects, and Pets
Please refer to the Hilltop HOA Declarations. At this time, the leadership team has determined that the Property Manager cannot be tasked with monitoring the number of pets, weight of pets, instances of pet waste, general pet activities, or pet complaints. However, the Hilltop HOA reserves the right to consider compliance according to the Declarations on a case-by-case basis. All pet waste must be IMMEDIATELY removed from outside areas, including patios and decks and stored in a contained, appropriate place, hidden from view. No kennel, doghouse, or other pet shelter shall be permitted on any Lot. Electric Dog Fences are Prohibited. All dogs are subject to the Pennsylvania Dog Leash Law.
The Association is not responsible for nuisance wildlife, insect control, and pest control issues in any property location (unit or exterior). If an insect or pest issue at a Unit becomes a safety issue, the Association may require an Owner to address the issue within a reasonable time at the Owner’s expense. If an Owner does not address the issue within a reasonable time, the Association will schedule and address the issue with the cost applied to the Unit Owner’s account.
Satellite Dishes
Satellite dishes and antennas that are one meter or less in diameter shall be permitted in accordance with applicable FCC regulations upon approval of the Hilltop HOA. Except to the extent permitted by law, no other types of antennas are permitted. Permitted satellite dishes and/or antennas must be erected on the rear of the Dwelling Unit, unless such placement impedes reception in which event such antenna may be erected in another location on the Dwelling Unit or Lot approved by the Hilltop HOA. Under no circumstances may a satellite dish or antenna be placed on the ridge line of the roof. Any damage to the roof, Dwelling Unit or the Property and any cost, expense or liability incurred by the Association as a result of the installation, maintenance, repair, use or operation of a dish or antenna shall be the sole and exclusive obligation of the Owner of the Dwelling Unit.
A request must be submitted to the Property Manager for review and approval of the Hilltop HOA before any work is approved.
Basketball hoops/Play Equipment
Permanent basketball hoops are prohibited. Permanent play structures are not allowed on the Property or on any Lot Use of a portable basketball hoop and/or temporary play structures are permissible so long as it is confined to the Owner’s driveway, does not interfere with the neighbors, and is stored out of sight in the garage when not in use and shall not be left outside overnight. Inflatable or rental party equipment may be used for a period of one day on and must not interfere with any HOA maintenance, impact a neighbor’s lot, or in any way be detrimental to a neighbor. Should any property areas be damaged, it will be the Owner’s responsibility to repair and/or replace them at their expense. Repeating uses of such rental/ party equipment on a reoccurring daily basis is prohibited.
Clothes lines
No wash poles, lines or clothing shall be exposed or hung on the exterior of any Dwelling Unit.
Common Areas
There are no common areas in Hilltop. Hilltop is a fee-simple townhome community, not condominiums.
Criminal Activity
The Association does not have the authority and does not employ staff to handle law enforcement or public safety matters or concerns related to parking violations, fire hazard concerns, or improper vehicle registration/ inspection.
Decks (Also See 2024 Maintenance Clarification Document)
Prior written approval of the Hilltop HOA is required for any change. Repair and replacement of decks is the sole responsibility of the Owner. Any such repair or replacement that in any way changes the look of the original deck, must be approved.
Decorations – Holiday
Holiday decorations may not be displayed for more than 45 days spanning the holiday and must be removed no more than 15 days after the holiday ends. No decorations shall exceed 18” x 18” (such as a garden flag, plaque, etc.). No lawn decorations are permitted outside of the established flower beds. Lights and decorations – shall be confined to the courtyard, courtyard fence and flower bed in front of the courtyard fence. Nothing shall be suspended over the courtyard or hung from the eaves/gutters. No flashing lights, bright lights or lights that impinge on other properties shall be permitted. The Hilltop HOA in its reasonable discretion shall determine the appropriateness of decorations.
Decorations – Outdoor (including hanging baskets, bird feeders, wind chimes, etc.)
Outdoor decorations shall be confined to the Owner’s courtyard and flower bed areas. No decorations shall be placed on the lawn area or where they might in any way interfere with lawn mowing. No decorations shall exceed 18” x 18” (such as a garden flag, plaque, etc.). The Hilltop HOA in its reasonable discretion shall determine the appropriateness of decorations. Nothing shall be hung from the gutters, eaves or soffits, as they are not built to hold weight. Should any of these areas be damaged, it will be the Owner’s responsibility to repair and/or replace them at their expense.
Driveways and Sidewalks
Owners are responsible for keeping their driveways and sidewalks in good repair and assume the liability for the sidewalks. This includes removing any stains (oil, etc.) on the asphalt, repairing cracks and resurfacing every 3-5 years, as necessary. Owners or occupants shall not obstruct or store anything on the sidewalks at any time or in any way. By way of example and without limitation, no bicycles, toys, chairs, etc., or any part of any vehicle is to be blocking or partially blocking any part of a sidewalk.
At this time, the leadership team has determined that the Property Manager is not solely responsible for enforcing sidewalk repairs or determining how the violations must be corrected. If an owner has a safety concern, please contact East Hempfield Township while the leadership team investigates further.
Fences, Gates, and Decks
Prior written approval of the Hilltop HOA is required. In addition, Fences must meet the specifications contained in Article 2(3)(f) of the Association’s Declaration.
Repair and replacement of fences is the sole responsibility of the Owner. Any such repair or replacement that in any way changes the look of the original fence, must be approved by the Hilltop HOA prior to beginning construction. All new wood must be painted or stained to match the original color or approved color. If you use the wrong color, you will be responsible for correcting it. Style change: As of 2019, all new gates must be flat across the top (see example at 100 Treetops).
Fireplaces & Chimneys
Maintenance of fireplaces and (internal) chimneys is the responsibility of the Owner. The owner is also responsible for all exterior components of the fireplace and chimney, including, but not limited to, the flu, heat stack, chimney cap, spark arrester and the structure built to enclose the chimney flu. The HOA is only responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of exterior surface of the chimney (siding).
Fireplaces shall only be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. Fireplaces were not designed for regular heating of the Dwelling Unit and shall only be used for entertainment purposes on an occasional basis. ONLY compressed logs (not regular wood logs or kindling) were specified to be used in the fireplaces per the manufacturer’s instructions. No storage of firewood or kindling is permitted.
Landscaping – General
ALL requests for exterior grounds additions, alterations and/or changes (patios, walkways, flower beds, permanent plantings such as shrubs and trees, garden accessories, garden fences, other décor, etc.) shall first be submitted to the Property Manager, and approved by, the Hilltop HOA before beginning any project. Any additions, alterations and/or changes to the grounds outside the courtyard made or completed prior to obtaining approval and/or which is not approved by the Hilltop HOA shall be removed, and the grounds shall be restored to their original condition at the Owner’s sole cost and expense. The Hilltop HOA shall have the right to decline to approve any such plans and specifications submitted that are not suitable or desirable in its opinion. The owner is responsible for maintaining any landscaping free from unsightly weeds, removing dead crops and controlling soil erosion. No changes to bed configuration may be made without submitting a written request and receiving approval.
Landscape – Maintenance and Trees
The Association shall be responsible for lawn mowing as needed and builder-planted shrubbery trimming in the front yard only. The Association is not responsible for maintenance of decorative plants or shrubs which the Owner(s) have planted in their backyards. All Lots shall be kept free of unsightly weeds and rubbish at all times. Lawn grass shall not exceed seven inches in height.
Owners shall be responsible for all other landscape maintenance, including but not limited to, bare spots in the grass, erosion control, the removal of root shoots from pear trees, removal of “volunteer/pioneer” trees (i.e. trees not intentionally planted), downed tree limbs, and trees on Owners’ Lots. Owners shall also be responsible for the removal of overhanging tree branches which may encroach on Owners’ Lots from adjacent properties as needed and/or where such removal is necessary in order for the Association to perform its landscape maintenance responsibilities or otherwise required.
Trees, shrubs or other plantings, particularly those at the sides and rear of homes, added by Owner(s), including trees, shrubs or other plantings added by Prior Owners, shall be the sole responsibility of the current Owner(s) to maintain, repair and replace. The HOA does not remove ivy, invasive plants, or plants on any property to address a homeowner’s concern. The Hilltop Declarations do not state that street trees must be replaced at the homeowner’s expense. However, there could be outside municipal requirements or restrictions in this regard that supersede HOA jurisdiction. Tree removal must be approved, and the HOA may also require the stump to be removed and the area restored to a mulched bed or lawn.
Owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of any approved planting areas, gardens, fountains, ponds, steps or other decorative features added by Owners including in their back yards. Maintenance shall include, but is not limited to, the cleaning and repair of any such features and the removal of dead flowers or plants in the fall and prior to the Association’s performance of spring clean-up services as may be necessary. At no time shall standing water be allowed to accumulate on any property, whether in a water feature or in empty containers, as it is a breeding ground for mosquitos and other insects.
PLEASE NOTE: Landscape contractors are not horticulturists and may be required to mow in wet conditions. Our contractors typically come on the same day every week, rain or shine. Although they do their best in this regard, they are committed to serving other clients throughout the week and we are not their only client. We do not penalize our contractors for weather conditions by asking them to work on Sundays etc.
Shrub Trimming may remove or cut something that they see as dead during spring cleanup. If an Owner is worried about ANY plants on their property, the Association strongly advises the Owner to clean their own beds prior to the spring cleanup. An Owner may try utilizing signage, but the Association cannot guarantee that your instructions will be followed. The Association CANNOT provide specific instructions on individual homes to the landscape contactor’s employees. Owners are responsible for the flowers/shrubs in the beds outside the courtyard on their property and for keeping the beds weed free.
Landscaping – Mulched Beds Edging
Front beds are edged and mulched every spring. The method of edging (shovel vs. machine etc.) or depth/ size/ exact placement of edging cannot be monitored or corrected by the Property Manager. An Owner wishing to install decorative edging on the beds outside the Owner’s courtyard must receive approval from the Hilltop HOA. The property manager cannot provide custom edging or mulching requests as the HOA is comprised of nearly 200 homes. The Association and the landscape contractor assume NO LIABILITY for any damage to garden edging caused by mowing, edging or other normal lawn care.
Garbage – Trash and Recycling (See also Rubbish)
The owner is responsible for picking up and disposing of all trash (blown or otherwise) on their property. Please be considerate of your neighbors and secure your recycling by putting a heavy trash bag on top of the recycle bin or securing in some other way.
Windstorms inevitably blow trash out of recycling bins. Please be kind toward your neighbors whose recycling may inadvertently wind up in your yard. Even if recycling is not yours, please dispose of it appropriately. No garbage or trash containers shall be located in the driveway, front or side lawn area of any Lot for more than a twenty-four-hour period. Trash and recycling pickups take place on a weekly basis, with pickup on Wednesday mornings. Trash and recycling containers/bins shall be placed on paved areas (street or driveway) ONLY (not on the grass) and not be placed before 6:00 PM the night before trash pick-up day. Empty trash and recycling containers/bins shall be removed no later than 6:00 PM on the day of trash collection.
Recycling bins shall be secured during windy weather so that your neighbors will not need to pick up your items. The scheduling of a special pick-up may be necessary for large articles. No large articles, tires, etc., are to be stored outside of your Dwelling Unit at any time. All trash and recycling containers/bins shall be stored in your garage or on paved areas of your Dwelling Unit and shall not be stored/placed on the grass. All garbage and trash storage areas shall be screened.
Gutters & Downspouts: Also See 2024 Maintenance Clarification Document
While the HOA replaces the gutters, when necessary, we do not inspect them and it is the responsibility of the owner to report any leaks or damage NOT caused by ice or snow or by hanging flowers or bird feeders, etc. from the gutters. The HOA will ONLY repair or replace gutters due to ‘normal wear and tear’. Replacement will be using materials of the same kind as the original gutters. If an owner wants to upgrade or add a ‘guard’, they must do so at their own expense, after getting approval.
The property owner is responsible for directing the water that exits the downspout away from all units. HOA responsibility ends at the bottom of the downspout that is attached to the unit. Damage from weather, neglect or abuse is NOT covered by the HOA. Please contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier if this damage occurs.
Home Business
Please contact East Hempfield Township with home business concerns.
The Association does NOT monitor for an improper home-based business by a Unit. Please contact the East Hempfield Township Zoning Officer with this concern.
Owners shall provide a copy of these Rules, Regulations and Procedures along with the Association’s Declaration and Bylaws to any tenants and real estate agents offering properties for rent. These may all be found on the Hilltop website at www.HilltopHOA.com. Tenants and occupants shall be subject to and bound by the Association’s Rules, Regulations and Procedures, Fine & Enforcement Policy, the Declaration, Bylaws and any other governing documents in effect at the time. Owners shall be liable for any violation thereof by Owner’s Tenant’s, Tenant’s guests and/or invitees. The Property Manager is not responsible for contacting an owner’s tenant’s or generally serving as the rental manager for the owner. Any issues or fines will be communicated to or administered to the property owner’s account.
Light fixtures – Exterior
Per Article V of the Declarations regarding Architectural Control and approval, all exterior changes to any property require the prior approval of the Hilltop HOA. This includes all outdoor lighting, including – but not limited to – the lights next to the front door, over the garage and on the back of the house. At no time may any light or light fixture be installed that would pose an annoyance or hazard to any neighboring property. Motion sensor lights require the same approval as other outdoor lights and the Board retains the right to request that they be adjusted if they pose an annoyance to a neighbor.
Noise/ Nuisance
No noise or other nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon any property so as to be offensive or detrimental to any other property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants thereof. Without limiting the generality of any of the foregoing provisions, no exterior speakers, horns, whistles, bells or other sound devices (other than security devices used exclusively for security purposes) shall be located, used or placed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors of the Association. No loud noises such as power equipment, music, barking dogs, etc. shall be permitted between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. The Association recommends that anyone who has problems with noise from neighbors or their guests should call the police department. Loud music or parties that unreasonably disturbs another Unit(s) is prohibited.
The Association is responsible for painting and/or staining of all exterior building surfaces. Although not mentioned in the Declarations, the HOA currently also provides painting and staining of original fencing and decks. See Painting and Staining schedule and procedures on the Association’s website. Owners’ cooperation with the schedule and procedures is required. Pressure washing of exterior wood surfaces prior to painting or staining is included with this service. Any repairs needed to decks, fences, railings, and stairs are the responsibility of the owner and must be completed prior to painting. If they are not, the Association has the right to make the repairs and charge the owner. The Association will not deviate from the contracted painting and staining schedule.
Patios and Walkways
The cement back patios and front walkways from the gate to the driveway are the responsibility of the owner to keep clean and in good repair. For back patios, this may require occasional pressure washing by owner to remove mold and mildew.
Parking/Vehicles – Concerns NOT Monitored by the HOA
Please contact East Hempfield Township with the below vehicle and parking concerns. All streets are public streets and Hilltop is not a gated community. The Property Manager is not responsible for monitoring or reporting the following concerns to law enforcement:
- Where owners and members of the public park.
- Number of vehicles or guest vehicles per household.
- Concerns related to insufficient parking.
- Flat tires, inspection stickers/ tags, vehicle registration, license plates etc.
- Disabled vehicles.
- Vehicle blocking sidewalks or driveway.
- Length of time a vehicle is parked.
Parking/Vehicles Per the HOA legal Declarations – Monitored by the HOA On Case-by-Case Basis. The Declarations cannot be amended without 90% approval by the homeowners.
1) No exterior storage or parking of recreational vehicles, including but not limited to trail motorcycles, mini-bikes, motorcycles, snowmobiles, campers, motor homes, boats, etc., shall be permitted.
2) No exterior storage or parking of commercial vehicles (except those in the process of making deliveries or providing services) shall be permitted.
“Commercial Vehicle” shall be defined as any vehicle which has commercial license plates, business signage and/or equipment of any type that is visible and that would identify it to a casual observer as a vehicle used for business. More specifically regarding commercial vehicles – the HOA is looking for clear advertising logos/ marketing or business equipment attached to the exterior of the vehicle such as ladders or equipment racks/ equipment trailers. The Hilltop HOA may further define commercial vehicles that are prohibited from parking within Hilltop. The HOA will NOT enforce older model vehicles or vehicles that some may consider unattractive.
3) The HOA reserves the right to enforce vehicle concerns on a case-by-case basis that are detrimental to neighborhood aesthetics or could be detrimental to home values. Examples are:
a) Unsightly vehicles such as vehicles that are heavily damaged with smashed windows or missing parts or otherwise appear to have been in a serious accident, or vehicles that appear to be stored/ remodeled or stripped for parts etc.
b) Unsightly or unsafe vehicle repair operations such as vehicles left on a jack or blocks etc.
The owner is responsible for picking up and disposing of all trash (blown or otherwise) on their property. (See Garbage). No rubbish or debris of any kind, including brush and landscape waste, shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon any Lot and no odors shall be permitted to arise therefrom, or pests allowed to nest, so as to render any such Lot or any portion thereof unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any other Lot or Dwelling Unit property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants thereof.
The storage of fire wood, kindling, hay, straw or similar items is specifically prohibited.
Safety/Hazardous Activities
No activities shall be conducted on any Property and no improvements may be constructed which are or may be unsafe or hazardous to any person or property. Such activities include vehicle repair operations.
Sidewalks (see Driveways and Sidewalks)
No advertising signs, billboards or other signs (including political signs and vendor signs) are permitted on any Lot or in any Dwelling (no signs in windows), except real estate signs offering the Dwelling Unit for sale. Permitted signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. Notwithstanding the foregoing, customary house number identification signs, however, shall be permitted on a Lot provided the same do not exceed one (1) square foot in size. Extra-large Real Estate “For Sale Signs” that require installing a post and/or footer into the lawn are prohibited.
Snow Removal
The Association is responsible for most snow removal. See the Association’s Snow Removal Procedures on the Association’s website. Although the HOA hopes for the best possible service, snow removal service may not be perfect or perfectly completed to driveway edges in every case. Some driveways have bends which are difficult to locate with accumulation. The HOA will not be able to request the contractor return after they finish.
Solar Energy Systems
No solar collection panels, films, shingles or other solar energy devices and/or solar structural components (“Solar Energy Systems”) are permitted to be installed or erected on the property.
There shall be no soliciting on the Property. “No Soliciting” signs are installed at the Association’s entrances. Owners should contact the police if a solicitor approaches you on your property and does not leave upon request. Please do not contact the Property Manager as he/she does not have the authority to serve as a security guard or escort someone from the area.
See Painting (above)
Swales – Drainage
The rocky areas you see around the neighborhood are called ‘swales’ and are part of our engineered rain management system. They are maintained by the HOA. Please do NOT remove any stones or rocks from these areas or change them in any way.
Tiki Torches, fire pits and other outside flame sources
Open outside flames are discouraged. We have 30+ year-old fences and decks that could easily catch fire, and vinyl siding can melt if too close to a heat source. Any damage to the flame source owner’s home or a neighbor’s home will be the responsibility of the party using the open flame. ALL owners are required under the HOA Governing Documents to have homeowner’s insurance and must, upon request, provide a copy to the Hilltop HOA.
Windows and Window Coverings
All replacement windows must be pre-approved by the Hilltop HOA in accordance with the Association’s Architectural Guidelines. Before getting quotes, PLEASE check with the Hilltop HOA for specifications on grids, etc. All windows shall have standard coverings such as curtains, blinds, shades or interior shutters. The use of sheets, blankets, tablecloths, tarps, or anything not designed specifically to cover windows is not allowed.
Approved and Resolution passed by the Board of Directors January 1st, 2024.
Hilltop Rules and Regulations
Revised, Approved and Adopted June 19, 2024:
Unanimous Approval by All five (5) Board Members
The Properties forming the Hilltop Homeowners Association shall be subject to the following Rules, Regulations and Procedures. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures govern the details of the use of the Properties and require approval of any addition, alteration or change to the exterior of the Dwelling Units. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
In such cases, Board members must recuse themselves from voting on issues where there could be a perceived conflict of interest. These Rules, Regulations and Procedures are in addition to the restrictions contained in the Association’s Declaration and Bylaws but are not used to override or supersede regulations outlined in the Declarations.
All present and future Owners, Owner’s family members, occupants of the Dwelling Units, tenants, guests, agents, employees, and invitees are subject to and bound by these Rules, Regulations, and Procedures. Each Owner shall be responsible for any violation of these Rules, Regulations, and Procedures by their family members, occupants, tenants, guests, agents, employees, and invitees of the Owner and any other individuals occupying or visiting the Owner’s Dwelling Unit.
Architectural Control – IMPORTANT!
No house, garage, building, structure, driveway or fence shall be erected, constructed or maintained on said Properties without the Hilltop HOA’s prior written approval. No addition to, change or alteration shall be made to the Dwelling Unit, including a change in the exterior colors of the Dwelling Unit, without the Hilltop HOA’s prior written approval. None of the above shall be permitted unless and until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, floor plans, color scheme, location, front and rear facings, roofing and elevations thereof have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Hilltop HOA.
ALL requests for exterior additions, exterior repairs, alterations and/or changes must first be submitted to the Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com and approved by the Hilltop HOA before beginning any project. Any additions, alterations and/or changes to a Dwelling Unit and/or Lot made or completed prior to obtaining approval and/or which is not approved by the Hilltop HOA shall be removed and the Dwelling Unit and/or Lot shall be restored to its original condition at Owner’s sole cost and expense. The Hilltop HOA shall have the right to decline to approve any such plans and specifications submitted. In the event the Hilltop HOA fails to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval shall be deemed to have been granted.
Air Conditioners (Window and Ground)
The Hilltop HOA acknowledges that the units are 30+ years old. Some owners have expressed the need to use window air conditioning units out of necessity due to
inadequate insulation etc. It may not be the homeowner’s intent to resort to this solution that requires added expense, effort to install/remove, or that impacts neighborhood aesthetics. The Hilltop HOA also acknowledges that some homeowners are using window units for health or safety reasons in extreme temperatures or while HVAC units are being repaired.
Please promptly install and remove such units at the appropriate time or when the season changes. The HOA reserves the right to require removal in instances of unsightliness or where there is a failure to maintain an attractive condition, as determined by the HOA.
The HOA does not inspect, monitor and clean ground-level HVAC units for any reason, including concerns for debris or grass clippings.
Animals, Insects, and Pets
Please refer to the Hilltop HOA Declarations. At this time, the leadership team has determined that the Property Manager cannot be tasked with monitoring the number of pets, weight of pets, instances of pet waste, general pet activities, or pet
complaints. However, the Hilltop HOA reserves the right to consider compliance according to the Declarations on a case-by-case basis. All pet waste must be IMMEDIATELY removed from outside areas, including patios and decks and stored in a contained, appropriate place, hidden from view. No kennel, doghouse, or other pet shelter shall be permitted on any Lot. Electric Dog Fences are Prohibited. All dogs are subject to the Pennsylvania Dog Leash Law.
The Association is not responsible for nuisance wildlife, insect control, and pest control issues in any property location (unit or exterior). If an insect or pest issue at a Unit becomes a safety issue, the Association may require an Owner to address the issue within a reasonable time at the Owner’s expense. If an Owner does not address the issue within a reasonable time, the Association will schedule and address the issue with the cost applied to the Unit Owner’s account.
A request must be submitted to the Property Manager for review and approval of the Hilltop HOA before any work is approved.
Basketball Hoops / Play Equipment
Permanent basketball hoops are prohibited. Permanent play structures
are not allowed on the Property or on any Lot Use of a portable basketball hoop and/or temporary play structures are permissible so long as it is confined to the Owner’s driveway, does not interfere with the neighbors, and is stored out of sight in the garage when not in use and shall not be left outside overnight. Inflatable or rental party equipment may be used for a period of one day on and must not interfere with any HOA maintenance, impact a neighbor’s lot, or in any way be detrimental to a neighbor. Should any property areas be damaged, it will be the Owner’s responsibility to repair and/or
replace them at their expense. Repeating uses of such rental/ party equipment on a reoccurring daily basis is prohibited.
Clothes lines
No wash poles, lines or clothing shall be exposed or hung on the exterior of any Dwelling Unit.
Commercial Vehicles (see Parking/Vehicles Per the HOA Legal Declarations)
Common Areas
There are no common areas in Hilltop. Hilltop is a fee-simple townhome community, not condominiums.
Criminal Activity
The Association does not have the authority and does not employ staff to handle law enforcement or public safety matters or concerns related to parking violations, fire hazard concerns, or improper vehicle registration/ inspection.
Decks (Also See 2024 Maintenance Clarification Document)
Prior written approval of the Hilltop HOA is required for any change. Repair and replacement of decks is the sole responsibility of the Owner. Any such repair or replacement that in any way changes the look of the original deck, must be approved.
Decorations – Holiday
Holiday decorations may not be displayed for more than 45 days spanning the holiday and must be removed no more than 15 days after the holiday ends. No decorations shall exceed 18” x 18” (such as a garden flag, plaque, etc.). No lawn decorations are permitted outside of the established flower beds. Lights and decorations – shall be confined to the courtyard, courtyard fence and flower bed in front of the courtyard fence. Nothing shall be suspended over the courtyard or hung from the eaves/gutters. No flashing lights, bright lights or lights that impinge on other properties shall be permitted. The Hilltop HOA in its reasonable discretion shall determine the appropriateness of decorations.
Decorations – Outdoor (including hanging baskets, bird feeders, wind chimes, etc.) Outdoor decorations shall be confined to the Owner’s courtyard and flower bed areas.
No decorations shall be placed on the lawn area or where they might in any way interfere with lawn mowing. No decorations shall exceed 18” x 18” (such as a garden flag, plaque, etc.). The Hilltop HOA in its reasonable discretion shall determine the appropriateness of decorations. Nothing shall be hung from the gutters, eaves or soffits, as they are not built to hold weight. Should any of these areas be damaged, it will be the Owner’s responsibility to repair and/or replace them at their expense.
Driveways and Sidewalks
Owners are responsible for keeping their driveways and sidewalks in good repair and assume the liability for the sidewalks. This includes removing any stains (oil, etc.) on the asphalt, repairing cracks and resurfacing every 3-5 years, as necessary. Owners or occupants shall not obstruct or store anything on the sidewalks at any time or in any way. By way of example and without limitation, no bicycles, toys, chairs, etc., or any part of any vehicle is to be blocking or partially blocking any part of a sidewalk.
At this time, the leadership team has determined that the Property Manager is not solely responsible for enforcing sidewalk repairs or determining how the violations must be corrected
Fences, Gates, and Decks
Prior written approval of the Hilltop HOA is required. In addition, Fences must meet the specifications contained in Article 2(3)(f) of the Association’s Declaration.
Repair and replacement of fences is the sole responsibility of the Owner. Any such repair or replacement that in any way changes the look of the original fence, must be approved by the Hilltop HOA prior to beginning construction. All new wood must be painted or stained to match the original color or approved color. If you use the wrong color, you will be responsible for correcting it. Style change: As of 2019, all new gates must be flat across the top (see example at 100 Treetops).
Fireplaces and Chimneys
Maintenance of fireplaces and (internal) chimneys is the responsibility of the Owner. The owner is also responsible for all exterior components of the fireplace and chimney, including, but not limited to, the flu, heat stack, chimney cap, spark arrester and the structure built to enclose the chimney flu. The HOA is only responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of exterior surface of the chimney (siding).
Fireplaces shall only be used in accordance with manufacturers’
instructions. Fireplaces were not designed for regular heating of the Dwelling Unit and shall only be used for entertainment purposes on an occasional basis. ONLY compressed logs (not regular wood logs or kindling) were specified to be used in the fireplaces per the manufacturer’s instructions. No storage of firewood or kindling is permitted.
Garbage – Trash and Recycling (See also Rubbish)
The owner is responsible for picking up and disposing of all trash (blown or otherwise) on their property. Please be considerate of your neighbors and secure your recycling by putting a heavy trash bag on top of the recycle bin or securing in some other way.
Windstorms inevitably blow trash out of recycling bins. Please be kind toward your neighbors whose recycling may inadvertently wind up in your yard. Even if recycling is not yours, please dispose of it appropriately. No garbage or trash containers shall be
located in the driveway, front or side lawn area of any Lot for more than a twenty-four- hour period. Trash and recycling pickups take place on a weekly basis, with pickup on Wednesday mornings. Trash and recycling containers/bins shall be placed on paved areas (street or driveway) ONLY (not on the grass) and not be placed before 6:00 PM the night before trash pick-up day. Empty trash and recycling containers/bins shall be removed no later than 6:00 PM on the day of trash collection.
Recycling bins shall be secured during windy weather so that your neighbors will not need to pick up your items. The scheduling of a special pick-up may be necessary for large articles. No large articles, tires, etc., are to be stored outside of your Dwelling Unit at any time. All trash and recycling containers/bins shall be stored in your garage or on paved areas of your Dwelling Unit and shall not be stored/placed on the grass. All garbage and trash storage areas shall be screened.
Gutters and Downspouts (Also See 2024 Maintenance Clarification Document)
While the HOA replaces the gutters, when necessary, we do not inspect them and it is the responsibility of the owner to report any leaks or damage NOT caused by ice or snow or by hanging flowers or bird feeders, etc. from the gutters. The HOA will ONLY repair or replace gutters due to ‘normal wear and tear’. Replacement will be using materials of the same kind as the original gutters. If an owner wants to upgrade or add a ‘guard’, they must do so at their own expense, after getting approval.
The property owner is responsible for directing the water that exits the downspout away from all units. HOA responsibility ends at the bottom of the downspout that is attached to the unit. Damage from weather, neglect or abuse is NOT covered by the HOA. Please contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier if this damage occurs.
Home Business
The Property shall be used for residential purposes only and facilities related to and accessory to residential use of the Property.
A business or commercial activity administered or conducted as an accessory use that is clearly secondary to the use as a residential dwelling and which involves no customer, client, or patient traffic, whether vehicular or pedestrian; and pickup, delivery or removal functions to or from the premises, in excess of those normally associated with residential use.
Except as set forth above, no store, tavern or other public, commercial, industrial or professional business shall be maintained within the Property. The use of Hilltop streets as a staging area to store and operate vehicles for the transportation of clientele, goods for profit or any service vehicle is prohibited even if the vehicles are of normal color and lack advertising (including but not limited to). Please also see commercial vehicles under the parking section. Any commercial vehicle use is also considered a violation of this home business section.
Landscaping – General
ALL requests for exterior grounds additions, alterations and/or changes (patios, walkways, flower beds, permanent plantings such as shrubs and trees, garden accessories, garden fences, other décor, etc.) shall first be submitted to the Property Manager, and approved by, the Hilltop HOA before beginning any project. Any additions, alterations and/or changes to the grounds outside the courtyard made or completed prior to obtaining approval and/or which is not approved by the Hilltop HOA shall be removed, and the grounds shall be restored to their original condition at the Owner’s sole cost and expense. The Hilltop HOA shall have the right to decline to approve any such plans and specifications submitted that are not suitable or desirable in its opinion. The owner is responsible for maintaining any landscaping free from unsightly weeds, removing dead crops and controlling soil erosion. No changes to bed configuration may be made without submitting a written request and receiving approval.
Landscape – Maintenance and Trees
The Association shall be responsible for lawn mowing as needed and builder-planted shrubbery trimming in the front yard only. The Association is not responsible for the maintenance of decorative plants or shrubs which the Owner(s) have planted in their backyards. All Lots shall be kept free of unsightly weeds and rubbish at all times. Lawn grass shall not exceed seven inches in height.
Owners shall be responsible for all other landscape maintenance, including but not limited to, bare spots in the grass, erosion control, the removal of root shoots from pear trees, removal of “volunteer/pioneer” trees (i.e. trees not intentionally planted), downed tree limbs, and trees on Owners’ Lots. Owners shall also be responsible for the removal of overhanging tree branches which may encroach on Owners’ Lots from adjacent properties as needed and/or where such removal is necessary in order for the Association to perform its landscape maintenance responsibilities or otherwise required.
Trees, shrubs or other plantings, particularly those at the sides and rear of homes, added by Owner(s), including trees, shrubs or other plantings added by Prior Owners, shall be the sole responsibility of the current Owner(s) to maintain, repair and replace. The HOA does not remove ivy, invasive plants, or plants on any property to address a homeowner’s concern. The Hilltop Declarations do not state that street trees must be replaced at the homeowner’s expense. However, there could be outside municipal requirements or restrictions in this regard that supersede HOA jurisdiction. Tree removal must be approved, and the HOA may also require the stump to be removed and the area restored to a mulched bed or lawn.
Owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of any approved planting areas, gardens, fountains, ponds, steps or other decorative features added by Owners including in their back yards. Maintenance shall include, but is not limited to, the cleaning and repair of any such features and the removal of dead flowers or plants in the fall and prior to the Association’s performance of spring clean-up services as may be necessary. At no time shall standing water be allowed to accumulate on any property, whether in a water feature or in empty containers, as it is a breeding ground for mosquitos and other insects.
PLEASE NOTE: Landscape contractors are not horticulturists and may be required to mow in wet conditions. Our contractors typically come on the same day every week, rain or shine. Although they do their best in this regard, they are committed to serving other clients throughout the week and we are not their only client. We do not penalize our contractors for weather conditions by asking them to work on Sundays etc.
Shrub Trimming may remove or cut something that they see as dead during spring cleanup. If an Owner is worried about ANY plants on their property, the Association strongly advises the Owner to clean their own beds prior to the spring cleanup. An Owner may try utilizing signage, but the Association cannot guarantee that your instructions will be followed. The Association CANNOT provide specific instructions on individual homes to the landscape contactor’s employees. Owners are responsible for the flowers/shrubs in the beds outside the courtyard on their property and for keeping the beds weed free.
Landscaping – Mulched Beds / Edging
Front beds are edged and mulched every spring. The method of edging (shovel vs. machine etc.) or depth/ size/ exact placement of edging cannot be monitored or corrected by the Property Manager. An Owner wishing to install decorative edging on the beds outside the Owner’s courtyard must receive approval from the Hilltop HOA. The property manager cannot provide custom edging or mulching requests as the HOA is comprised of nearly 200 homes. The Association and the landscape contractor assume NO LIABILITY for any damage to garden edging caused by mowing, edging or other normal lawn care.
Leasing / Tenants
Owners shall provide a copy of these Rules, Regulations and Procedures along with the Association’s Declaration and Bylaws to any tenants and real estate agents offering properties for rent. These may all be found on the Hilltop website
at www.HilltopHOA.com. Tenants and occupants shall be subject to and bound by the Association’s Rules, Regulations and Procedures, Fine & Enforcement Policy, the Declaration, Bylaws and any other governing documents in effect at the time. Owners shall be liable for any violation thereof by Owner’s Tenant’s, Tenant’s guests and/or invitees. The Property Manager is not responsible for contacting an owner’s tenant’s or generally serving as the rental manager for the owner. Any issues or fines will be communicated to or administered to the property owner’s account.
Light fixtures – Exterior
Per Article V of the Declarations regarding Architectural Control and approval, all exterior changes to any property require the prior approval of the Hilltop HOA. This includes all outdoor lighting, including – but not limited to – the lights next to the front door, over the garage and on the back of the house. At no time may any light or light fixture be installed that would pose an annoyance or hazard to any neighboring property. Motion sensor lights require the same approval as other outdoor lights and the Board retains the right to request that they be adjusted if they pose an annoyance to a neighbor.
Noise / Nuisance
No noise or other nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon any property so as to be offensive or detrimental to any other property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants thereof. Without limiting the generality of any of the foregoing provisions, no exterior speakers, horns, whistles, bells or other sound devices (other than security devices used exclusively for security purposes) shall be located, used or placed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors of the Association. No loud noises such as power equipment, music, barking dogs, etc. shall be permitted between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. The Association recommends that anyone who has problems with noise from neighbors or their guests should call the police department.
Loud music or parties that unreasonably disturbs another Unit(s) is prohibited.
The Association is responsible for painting and/or staining of all exterior building surfaces. Although not mentioned in the Declarations, the HOA currently also provides painting and staining of original fencing and decks. See Painting and Staining schedule and procedures on the Association’s website. Owners’ cooperation with the schedule and procedures is required. Pressure washing of exterior wood surfaces prior to painting or staining is included with this service. Any repairs needed to decks, fences, railings, and stairs are the responsibility of the owner and must be completed prior to painting. If they are not, the Association has the right to make the repairs and charge the owner. The Association will not deviate from the contracted painting and staining schedule.
Patios and Walkways
The cement back patios and front walkways from the gate to the driveway are the responsibility of the owner to keep clean and in good repair. For back patios, this may require occasional pressure washing by owner to remove mold and mildew.
Parking / Vehicles – Concerns NOT Monitored by the HOA
All streets are public streets and Hilltop is not a gated community. The Property Manager is not responsible for monitoring or reporting the following concerns to law enforcement:
- The location where owners and members of the public park their vehicles.
- Number of vehicles or guest vehicles per household.
- Concerns related to insufficient parking.
- Flat tires, inspection stickers/ tags, vehicle registration, license plates etc.
- Disabled vehicles.
- Vehicle blocking sidewalks or driveway.
- Length of time a vehicle is parked
Parking/Vehicles Per the HOA Legal Declarations
Monitored by the HOA On Case-by-Case Basis.
- No exterior storage or parking of recreational vehicles, including but not limited to trail motorcycles, mini-bikes, motorcycles, snowmobiles, campers, motor homes, boats, etc., shall be permitted (Per original Declarations that cannot be changed without a 90% vote of the homeowners or superseded with Rule Changes).
- No exterior storage or parking of commercial vehicles (except those in the process of making deliveries or providing services) shall be permitted. (Per the original Declarations that cannot be changed without a 90% vote of the homeowners or superseded with Rule Changes).
To prevent an increase in business use to further clarify the Declarations or Rules and Regulations, the HOA Board has added additional explanations to define Commercial Vehicles follows:
- Vehicles to transport goods for profit, transport people for profit, or provide services for profit.
- The Hilltop HOA may further define or determine a commercial vehicle that is prohibited from parking within Hilltop to prevent businesses from operating in the neighborhood. If a vehicle falls under the prohibited vehicle definitions below, the owner will be notified and must be in compliance within the provided timeline to prevent ongoing fines.
- Prohibited vehicles (included but are not limited to):
- Vehicles used for advertising (to display advertising like a sign or billboard) or generally used for profit in any way.
- Vehicles over 10,000 lbs.
- any vehicles that have commercial license plates, business signage and/or equipment of any type; purchase of specific type of vehicle that is needed for business use.
- Vehicles for resale.
- Vehicles used for transportation services of customers for profit.
- Vehicles for storage and/or transport or delivery of goods/ and/or equipment for profit.
- Vehicles used for landscaping work.
- A commercial vehicle may be determined by some of the factors in this section, but some factors may not be applicable.
- The HOA has determined that any vehicle alterations or upgrades to a standard vehicle for business use is a commercial vehicle. A vehicle CAN be determined to be a commercial vehicle even if the vehicle does not have advertising or logos if it is being used for business purposes as described above.
- The HOA reserves the right to enforce vehicle concerns on a case-by-case basis that are detrimental to neighborhood aesthetics or could be detrimental to home values. Examples are:
- Unsightly vehicles such as vehicles that are unkept in appearance, heavily damaged with smashed windows or missing parts or otherwise appear to have been in a serious accident, or
- Vehicles that appear to be stored/ remodeled or stripped for parts etc.
- Unsightly or unsafe vehicle repair operations such as vehicles left on a jack or blocks etc.
Rubbish / General Property Appearance
The owner is responsible for picking up and disposing of all trash (blown or otherwise) on their property. (See Garbage). No rubbish or debris of any kind, including brush and landscape waste, shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon any Lot and no odors shall be permitted to arise therefrom, or pests allowed to nest, so as to render any such Lot or any portion thereof unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any other Lot or Dwelling Unit property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants thereof.
This is inclusive, as determined by the Board, of always keeping the property in attractive condition, which includes but is not limited to the follow examples:
- Repairing dented or smashed garage doors,
- Repairing rotten wood or damaged / unsightly courtyard fences and decks
- Pressure washing siding with mildew or mold
- Potholes, oil stains or driveways in disrepair
- Rubbish or trash in courtyards or outside courtyards
- Any exterior alterations or lighting fixtures that have not been improved (unsightly figurines, out of season decor, any landscape features or new planting that that has not been approved)
- Failure to repair damaged to foundation or building finishes around garages
- Failure to properly repair or replace downspout extensions
- Rusted electrical boxes or exterior metal components
- Vehicles that appear inoperable in driveways that may be covered in mold or generally unsightly
- Components inside side or outside the courtyard that have fallen into disrepair such as storm doors, damaged windows/ window grids etc.
Any repairs should be completed in a professional manner or to professional standards that restores the property to original condition. The HOA reserves the right to require the removal of any exterior alterations that have not been approved and to determine what is unsightly or detrimental to surrounding properties.
Safety / Hazardous Activities
No activities shall be conducted on any Property and no improvements may be constructed which are or may be unsafe or hazardous to any person or property. Such activities include vehicle repair operations.
Satellite Dishes
Satellite dishes and antennas that are one meter or less in diameter shall be permitted in accordance with applicable FCC regulations upon approval of the Hilltop HOA. Except to the extent permitted by law, no other types of antennas are permitted. Permitted satellite dishes and/or antennas must be erected on the rear of the Dwelling Unit, unless such placement impedes reception in which event such antenna may be erected in another location on the Dwelling Unit or Lot approved by the Hilltop HOA. Under no circumstances may a satellite dish or antenna be placed on the ridge line of the roof. Any damage to the roof, Dwelling Unit or the Property and any cost, expense or liability incurred by the Association as a result of the installation, maintenance, repair, use or operation of a dish or antenna shall be the sole and exclusive obligation of the Owner of the Dwelling Unit.
Sidewalks (see Driveways and Sidewalks)
No advertising signs, billboards or other signs (including political signs and vendor signs) are permitted on any Lot or in any Dwelling (no signs in windows), except real estate signs offering the Dwelling Unit for sale. Permitted signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size. Notwithstanding the foregoing, customary house number identification signs, however, shall be permitted on a Lot provided the same do not exceed one (1) square foot in size. Extra-large Real Estate “For Sale Signs” that require installing a post and/or footer into the lawn are prohibited.
Snow Removal
The Association is responsible for most snow removal. See the Association’s Snow Removal Procedures on the Association’s website. Although the HOA hopes for the best possible service, snow removal service may not be perfect or perfectly completed to driveway edges in every case. Some driveways have bends that are difficult to locate with accumulation. The HOA will not be able to request the contractor return after they finish.
Solar Energy Systems
No solar collection panels, films, shingles or other solar energy devices and/or solar structural components (“Solar Energy Systems”) are permitted to be installed or erected on the property. (Also see Legal Documents / Supplemental Documents / Solar Panels Explanation for Homeowners)
There shall be no soliciting on the Property. “No Soliciting” signs are installed at the Association’s entrances. Owners should contact the police if a solicitor approaches you on your property and does not leave upon request. Please do not contact the Property Manager as he/she does not have the authority to serve as a security guard or escort someone from the area.
Staining (See Painting above)
Swales / Drainage
The rocky areas you see around the neighborhood are called ‘swales’ and are part of our engineered rain management system. They are maintained by the HOA. Please do NOT remove any stones or rocks from these areas or change them in any way.
Tiki Torches, Fire Pits and Other Outside Flame Sources
Open outside flames are discouraged. We have 30+ year-old fences and decks that could easily catch fire, and vinyl siding can melt if too close to a heat source. Any damage to the flame source owner’s home or a neighbor’s home will be the responsibility of the party using the open flame. ALL owners are required under the HOA Governing Documents to have homeowner’s insurance and must, upon request, provide a copy to the Hilltop HOA.
Windows and Window Coverings
All replacement windows must be pre-approved by the Hilltop HOA in accordance with the Association’s Architectural Guidelines. Before getting quotes, PLEASE check with the Hilltop HOA for specifications on grids, etc. All windows shall have standard coverings such as curtains, blinds, shades or interior shutters. The use of sheets, blankets, tablecloths, tarps, or anything not designed specifically to cover windows is not allowed.
Approved and Resolution passed by the Board of Directors June 19, 2024: Unanimous Approval by All five (5) Board Members