[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″ hover_enabled=”0″ max_width=”80%” module_alignment=”center”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″ text_font_size=”20px”]
Hilltop FAQs
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_accordion _builder_version=”4.4.2″ toggle_font=”|700|||||||” toggle_font_size=”19px”][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What is a Homeowners’ Association (HOA)?” open=”on” _builder_version=”3.21″]
Your Homeowners’ Association is a PA corporation, formed to administer and enforce the covenants, conditions, and restrictions (Governing Documents) to which all Hilltop properties are subject. The Board consists of 5 members who are elected by the owners at the Annual Meeting for 2-year terms. Any resident in good standing is encouraged to run for the Board or volunteer for one of the committees that assist the Board.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What rules should I know when living in an HOA governed community?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The basic Rules & Regulations of Hilltop as well as the Fines Policy are contained in separate documents located on the website.
Information pertaining to the make-up, definitions, and policies of the Hilltop Homeowners’ Association is detailed in the Hilltop Homeowners’ Association By-Laws. Information pertaining to the covenants, conditions and restrictions to which all properties are subject, is detailed in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Hilltop. These documents were provided to all Owners upon purchase of a Hilltop property and are also available on the Hilltop website www.HilltopHOA.com.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Who do I contact if I have a question for the HOA?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Day-to-day administration of Hilltop is carried out by our Property Manager, Adam Westgate of Westgate Property Management, LLC. He can be reached at his email:
managementhilltophoa@gmail.com or
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”When is the Annual Homeowners’ Meeting?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The Annual Meeting is usually held in late November or early December (to have as complete financial statements and budget as possible), at which time those owners present and those who have submitted an approved proxy, vote for new officers for the HOA Board for the upcoming year, review the annual budget, hear what has changed at Hilltop in the prior year and what the plans are for the upcoming year.
Discussion is encouraged, although in order to plan the meeting, questions or areas of discussion are requested to be given to the Board President at least a week prior to the meeting.
Refreshments (appetizers, cookies and other desserts, cider and water) are served! Come meet your neighbors.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Does Hilltop have a newsletter?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Yes and we also send out regular updates about such things as mowing, repairs, painting schedules, etc. so it is imperative that we have an accurate email for you (and any tenants). Please email Adam at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com so that he can put your email in our mail system. We do not send spam or advertising of any kind, only news directly relating to Hilltop residents. We would never share your email with anyone else, it is strictly for internal communications with Hilltop residents and owners.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Does Hilltop have a Facebook page?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
No. The closest thing we suggest you do is join Nextdoor.com which is a tightly controlled (you must prove you are a resident to join) group forum. This is completely separate from Hilltop and we do not administer it other than issuing an invitation to any Hilltop resident who is not already a member. You can ask questions, sell things, post a yard sale, and more, knowing it will only connect with people in Hilltop and the close neighborhoods you choose. Much safer than Facebook. Contact our Property Manager if you want to be sent an invitation. managementhilltophoa@gmail.com
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Does Hilltop have an annual Yard Sale?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Yes! It is held the Saturday before Labor Day and is highly advertised. Because we get a LOT of cars, we ask anyone who is NOT participating to please park their cars in their driveway to provide as much street parking space as possible between the hours of 7 AM and about noon.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Who takes care of lawn mowing, fertilizing, mulching, edging, etc.?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Hilltop contracts with a lawn maintenance company to do all the mowing, in addition to spring cleanup of the beds, edging the beds, and mulch in the spring.
Hilltop also contracts with another company to do all fertilization and weed control since a special license is required to apply these products.
Note #1: During spring clean-up they will also try to clean weeds and dead plants out of front beds. If you have plants or shrubs that you do NOT want removed or pruned, tie a pink ribbon around one of the branches and they will not touch it.
Note #2: Authorized start times are 9 AM on weekends and 8 AM on weekdays. During spring cleanup and mulching, particularly if rain is anticipated, they may start as early as 7 AM. This is a once a year possible inconvenience to keep our beds looking neat and clean. We appreciate your understanding.
Attention: Owners are responsible for all weed removal in the beds on their property. If you are not physically able to do this, the Board may be able to find volunteers to help you.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Where can I find out more about Recycling?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
You can find answers to your recycling questions here:
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Who prunes the trees?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The HOA is responsible for pruning the pear trees next to the road because they were planted by the developer. Any additional trees or shrubs have been planted by subsequent homeowners and are owner responsibility. See the Rules & Regulations under Garden and Landscape for more details.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What do I do if I have storm damage to my siding, roof or other area of my home?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Please contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier to file a claim. The HOA is only responsible for ‘normal wear and tear’ to exterior surfaces.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What do I do if I have a roof or gutter leak?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
If this is NOT storm or weather related (see above if it is), contact Hilltop’s Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com to take a look at your situation. If the problem is due to normal wear and tear, the HOA will pay for the repair. Depending on the type of problem, the HOA may ask the owner to get bids on the repair and the Board will need to approve the repair if it is to be submitted for reimbursement.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”My chimney seems to be leaking. What do I do?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Contact the Hilltop Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com. He will make arrangements for the chimney to be inspected for leaks. If the problem is with the stucco coating or flashing, the HOA will make arrangements for repairs or replacement. If the problem is the chimney itself (such as a missing chimney cap) that is the responsibility of the homeowner to have fixed or replaced. The HOA is not responsible for any of the working parts of the chimney from the firebox to the cap.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”I noticed that some chimney exteriors are being redone. What’s happening?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The chimney covering (stucco) is repaired or replaced by the HOA. If it is replaced, the flashing will be replaced also. From 2020-25, chimney coverings will be changed to siding from stucco as part of overall maintenance.
Chimney Removal option (new): At the time your unit’s chimney is being resurfaced with siding you may choose to have the exterior portion of your chimney removed (if you have a gas fireplace, for example). If you want to elect this option, you must notify the Property Manager as soon as you know your unit will be updated.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What kind of wood can I burn in my fireplace?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Fireplaces shall only be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. Fireplaces not designed for regular heating of the Dwelling Unit shall only be used for entertainment purposes on an occasional basis. Improper use of fireplaces constitutes a safety hazard.
ONLY compressed logs (not regular wood logs or kindling) are to be used in the fireplaces per the manufacturer’s instructions. For this reason, no storage of firewood or kindling is permitted on any property.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Can I install a gas fireplace?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
If you want to install a gas fireplace, you will need to submit a request to the Property Manager to obtain approval of the Architecture Committee to have a propane gas tank for your fireplace. It must be situated so as to not be visible from the street and be attractively screened by a fence or shrubs.
If you wish, when the HOA does chimney replacement for your plex, you may request removal of your exterior chimney at no charge. If you wish it removed at any other time, the homeowner will be responsible for the cost.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Do I have to have homeowner’s insurance?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Yes. It is required under our Governing Documents and proof of insurance must be supplied to the Board upon request.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Can I put in a hot tub?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
If you wish to have a hot tub, please submit your request to the Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com. It must be shown to be at the back of the home and sufficiently concealed so as not to be a nuisance to any neighbor. Upon sale of the home, the hot tub must be removed unless the buyer agrees in writing to keep the hot tub and the Property Manager is informed of such.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Who maintains what on the outside of my home?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The HOA provides maintenance, repair and replacement of roofs, gutters & downspouts (but not drainage of water from the bottom of the downspout away from the owner’s and neighbors’ property), chimney surfaces (stucco/siding) and siding due to ‘normal wear and tear’ only. Any damage due to storm, abuse or negligence by the resident of the home is the owner’s responsibility.
The HOA also provides painting and staining for all exterior wood such as door trim, garage doors, decks, fences and stairs on a 5-year rotating basis. You will be notified when your home will be done. Please remove all items from deck and patio areas.
Note: Owners are responsible for keeping all wood items in good repair. Painting and staining will not be done where they have not been maintained and the HOA, at their discretion, may make the repairs in order for the painting/staining schedule to move forward and charge the owner for those repairs that are not covered by the HOA (decks, fences and stairs).
In addition, the HOA on the same 5-year rotating basis paints front doors, garage doors and wood trim around the doors.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Who does snow removal?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The HOA has contracted with a snow removal company to plow driveways, shovel sidewalks and walkways between the driveway and the courtyard gate. See separate document Snow Removal Policy for more details.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”How much is the monthly maintenance fee?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
The monthly fee is set by the Board each year, based on the upcoming needs of the community. The amount is posted on the website www.hilltophoa.com
The fee is due by the 10th of the month and can be paid monthly, however, if you wish to save some money by prepaying the whole year by January 31st, that option is available. Information about this is on the website as well as in the January newsletter.
The maximum amount it can be increased in any one year is 10%. Should there be an extraordinary need for a major improvement, the Board has the authority to call for a temporary assessment for that sole purpose, which would be in addition to the monthly fee. There are no current assessments.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”My family has 5 cars. Is there enough street parking?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Hilltop Rules and Regulations limit each home to ONE car parked on the street. Any additional cars are not allowed to park for more than 24 hours on the street. We have 3 cul-de-sacs and limited street parking, so this is the only way we can be fair to all residents and make sure everyone has room. You are free to park as many cars as you want in your own garage and driveway.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”I have young children. Are there any play areas? ” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
No, only the area around your own home. There are no common areas, even though it may look like there are large areas of grass that are very tempting to play on. All homes are ‘fee simple’ meaning each home owns the property around it as described on the deed when purchased. Please respect your neighbors and ask permission if you want to use their private property.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Can I have a permanent play structure in my backyard? ” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
No. Hilltop Governing Documents prohibit any sort of separate structure (play structure, dog house, shed, etc.).
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Toys” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Please do not leave bicycles, toys, etc., on sidewalks where someone could trip, or in the grass where a mower could run over them. Should this happen and the equipment or operator sustain injury or damage, the homeowner will be held responsible and billed for damages.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Where do I get a key for my mailbox?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
All mailboxes in Hilltop are controlled by the US Post Office. The HOA does not control or give out keys. When you purchase your home, the seller should tell you the box number and give you their key. If they do not, tell your carrier. Most carriers are equipped to change out the lock and give you a new key. You can also go to the Post Office on Harrisburg Pike and request a new lock and key. There may or may not be a charge for this.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Can I change my front door, add another flower bed, plant a tree outside my courtyard, etc.” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
ANY and ALL exterior changes to a home MUST be submitted to the Property Manager managementhilltophoa@gmail.com and approved by the Landscape or Architecture committee before any work is done. If you make a change without approval you may be fined and asked to remove the change at your own expense. Getting approval is not difficult so long as your changes are consistent with the “look” of Hilltop. Our goal is to make sure all property values are maintained.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”I want to put in a new deck and fence. Will the HOA paint/stain it?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Maybe. When you submit your request for addition/repair to the Property Manager and approval by the Architecture Committee, you will be informed when your unit will be painted.
If it is in the schedule the same year as your construction, it will be included ONLY if it can be painted within the normal painting schedule of our contractors (Usually April – May). If your construction is done in a year when your unit is NOT scheduled to be painted, or if the construction is done outside of the time the painters are here, you will be responsible for the painting/staining at your own cost. The HOA can’t change the contracted painting schedule.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”I want to get satellite TV. Do I need approval for a satellite dish antenna?” _builder_version=”4.4.2″ open=”off”]
Yes. It is considered an exterior change.
This is a new requirement beginning in 2019 because antenna installers have been putting them in front courtyards, creating an eyesore. We request that dish antennas be placed on the back roof of a home or in as inconspicuous a place as possible. Please submit your request to the Property Manager managementhilltophoa@gmail.com.
When you move, you are responsible for removing the dish unless you have an agreement in writing from the buyer that they want the dish (must be supplied to the Property Manager at least 1 week prior to closing) and repairing any roof damage caused by the installation.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Can I put up a political sign to support my candidate?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
No. Signs are not permitted anywhere on a property (including in windows). The only signs permitted in Hilltop are real estate signs for the purpose of selling your home.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Question not answered here?” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Check the Rules and Regulations listed on the Hilltop website at www.hilltophoa.com.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Here’s the Property Manager’s contact information again:” _builder_version=”3.21″ open=”off”]
Day-to-day administration of Hilltop is carried out by our Property Manager, Adam Westgate of Westgate Property Management, LLC. He can be reached at his email:
managementhilltophoa@gmail.com or 717-305-8332
[/et_pb_accordion_item][/et_pb_accordion][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.2″ text_font_size=”20px”]
See also “Legal” tab for Rules and Regulations, Penalties and General Info
Hilltop HOA – 2025 Painting and Staining Project
Hilltop HOA – Snow Removal Information
Hilltop HOA – 2025 Monthly Maintenance Fees
Hilltop HOA – Solar Panels – Explanation for Homeowners
Hilltop HOA - FAQs
Hilltop FAQs
The following are commonly asked questions that are not addressed in the Rules and Regulations. Please read the Rules and Regulations in addition to this document.
Annual Meeting
Q: Is there an Annual Homeowners Meeting?
A: Yes. It is held in mid-November or early December.
You are encouraged to attend and ask questions, learn about what’s new, and vote during the Board elections. You may also vote by proxy. Please note that some emails may go into junk folders etc. Please be proactive regarding checking in with the HOA regarding monthly fee changes or meeting dates.
Annual Homeowners’ Meeting – When is the Annual Homeowners’ Meeting?
The Annual Meeting is usually held in late November or early December (to have as complete financial statements and budget as possible), at which time those owners present and those who have submitted an approved proxy, vote for new officers for the HOA Board for the upcoming year, review the annual budget, hear what has changed at Hilltop in the prior year and what the plans are for the upcoming year. To plan the meeting, questions or areas of discussion are requested to be given to the Board President at least a week before the meeting.
Board of Directors of Hilltop
The voluntary Board is made up of Hilltop owners’ who are not allowed to receive compensation for their service. The Board is responsible for seeing that the overall character and condition of Hilltop is maintained. They hire and manage all subcontractors, ensuring that they perform all functions necessary to the day-to-day running and maintenance of Hilltop. It is also the Board’s responsibility to see that sufficient funds are collected for the current maintenance of Hilltop and also to plan and budget for future expenses.
Q: How is the Board selected and what do they do?
A: The Board of Directors is elected from homeowners, by homeowners.
Elections are held at the Annual Meeting. (For more detail see the By-Laws on the Hilltop website). Terms run for 2 years, but the terms may also be staggered if the Board is starting up from scratch. Attending the Annual Meeting will give you a great deal of information about how Hilltop is run and a chance to meet your current Board. If you are interested in joining the Board or finding out more, please contact the HOA President (see website for contact info).
Chimney Issues – My chimney seems to be leaking. What do I do?
Contact the Hilltop Property Manager at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com. If the problem is the chimney itself (such as a missing chimney cap) it is the responsibility of the homeowner to have fixed or replaced. The HOA is not responsible for any of the working parts of the chimney from the firebox to the cap.
Common Areas
Q: Are there any Common Areas in Hilltop?
A: No. There are no Common Areas.
Unfortunately, the original Declarations were written based on a “boilerplate” format, so Common Areas are mentioned in error. All lots in Hilltop are privately owned by the homeowner of that lot.
Condominiums or townhomes
Q: Are these homes condominiums?
A: No. They are “fee-simple” townhomes, meaning that you own not only your home but also the lot on which it sits.
Contact Info – Who do I contact if I have a question for the HOA?
Day-to-day administration of Hilltop is carried out by our Property Manager, Adam Westgate of Westgate Property Management. He can be reached at his email:
Contact – Who do I call for ….?
Q: I have a question, concern, or complaint (or maybe a compliment?), who should I call?
A: Unlike in the past, we now have ONE contact point for everyone:
Adam Westgate – Property Manager
(717) 305-8332
Please do NOT call Board members unless it is an emergency or unless you are unable to reach Adam for more than 24 hours.
Changes to the Exterior – Can I change my front door, add another flower bed, plant a tree outside my courtyard, etc.?
All exterior changes to a home MUST be submitted to the HOA. and approved before any work is done. If you make a change without approval, you may be fined and asked to remove the change at your own expense. Getting approval is not difficult so long as your changes are consistent with the “look” of Hilltop. Our goal is to make sure all property values are maintained.
Changes to my property
Q: Can I add a deck, patio, or awning or enlarge my flower bed?
A: ALL requests for exterior changes MUST be presented to the HOA for review and approval. [See Rules and Regulations for further clarification]
Dish Antennas – I want to get satellite TV. Do I need approval for a satellite dish antenna?
Yes. It is considered an exterior change.
This is a new requirement beginning in 2019 because antenna installers have been putting them in front courtyards, creating an eyesore. We request that dish antennas be placed on the back roof of a home or in as inconspicuous a place as possible. Please submit your request to the HOA.
When you move, you are responsible for removing the dish unless you have an agreement in writing from the buyer that they want the dish (must be supplied to the Property Manager at least 1 week prior to closing) and repairing any roof damage caused by the installation.
Fireplace – What kind of wood can I burn in my fireplace?
Fireplaces shall only be used according to manufacturers’ instructions. Fireplaces not designed for regular heating of the Dwelling Unit shall only be used for entertainment purposes on an occasional basis. Improper use of fireplaces constitutes a safety hazard.
ONLY compressed logs (not regular wood logs or kindling) are to be used in the fireplaces per the manufacturer’s instructions. For this reason, no storage of firewood or kindling is permitted on any property.
Gas Fireplace – Can I install a gas fireplace?
If you want to install a gas fireplace, you will need to submit a request to the HOA to obtain approval to have a propane gas tank for your fireplace. It must be situated to not be visible from the street and be attractively screened by a fence or shrubs.
Homeowner’s Insurance – Do I have to have homeowner’s insurance?
Yes. It is required under our Governing Documents and proof of insurance must be supplied to the Board upon request.
Hot Tubs – Can I put in a hot tub?
If you wish to have a hot tub, please submit your request to the HOA at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com. It must be shown to be at the back of the home and sufficiently concealed so as not to be a nuisance to any neighbor. Upon sale of the home, the hot tub must be removed unless the buyer agrees in writing to keep the hot tub, and the Property Manager is informed of such.
Q: Does the HOA insure my home?
A: No. All owners must provide their own homeowner’s insurance, which must be kept current, and provide proof of insurance to the Association, per the Declarations.
Lawn and Garden Care – Who is responsible for lawn mowing, fertilizing, mulching, edging, etc.?
Hilltop contracts with maintenance companies to complete mowing, spring cleanup of the beds, edging the beds, leaf clean-up, and mulch application in the spring (typically bed edging and clean-up are limited to front yards only).
Hilltop currently contracts with another company to do all fertilization and weed control since a special license is required to apply these products.
Authorized start times are 9 AM on weekends and 8 AM on weekdays (Start times may vary with input by the contractor). During spring cleanup and mulching, particularly if rain is anticipated, they may start as early as 7 AM. This is a once-a-year possible inconvenience to keep our beds looking neat and clean. We appreciate your understanding.
Attention: Owners are responsible for all weed removal in the beds on their property and this is non-negotiable.
Mailbox Keys – Where do I get a key for my mailbox?
All mailboxes in Hilltop are controlled by the US Post Office. The HOA does not control, have copies, or give out keys. When you purchase your home, the seller should tell you the box number/ location and give you their key. If they do not, tell your carrier. Most carriers are equipped to change out the lock and give you a new key. You can also go to the Post Office on Harrisburg Pike and request a new lock and key. There may or may not be a charge for this.
Maintenance Fee
Q: What is the monthly maintenance fee for? Monthly Maintenance fees may cover services required by the Declarations or some services selected by the homeowners or HOA Board.
A: The monthly maintenance fee covers all services provided to Hilltop homeowners, including such things as mowing, shrub trimming, bed edging and mulching, weed and lawn control, snow removal, painting and staining of exterior wood surfaces, general maintenance for normal wear and tear and funding of major expenses such as roof replacement.
Q: How and where do I pay it?
A: At the beginning of every year, payment coupons are provided to the owners (please call or email to check in). You may have the choice of paying your maintenance fee annually (and receiving a discount), or paying monthly. Payments are due by the 10th of each month. You may pay by check, either by mail or by dropping your payment in our special HOA box (no stamp needed) on the corner of Nolt Rd. and Winding Hill, (next to the PO mailboxes). You may also pay electronically through your normal banking bill-pay system. Payments received after the 10th may incur a late fee.
Monthly Maintenance Fee – How much is the monthly maintenance fee?
The monthly fee is set by the Board each year, based on the upcoming needs of the community. The amount is posted on the website www.hilltophoa.com
The maximum amount it can be increased in any one year is 10%. Should there be an extraordinary need for a major improvement, the Board has the authority to call for a temporary assessment for that sole purpose, which would be in addition to the monthly fee. There are no current assessments.
Newsletters – Does Hilltop have a newsletter?
Yes, and we also send out regular email updates about such things as mowing, repairs, painting schedules, etc. so it is imperative that we have an accurate email for you (and any tenants). Please E-mail Adam at managementhilltophoa@gmail.com so that he can put your email in our mail system. We do not send spam or advertising of any kind, only news directly relating to Hilltop residents. We would never share your email with anyone else, it is strictly for internal communications with Hilltop residents and owners. The HOA is unable to control homeowner email issues such as homeowner email blocking features for promotional/ spam, or soft bounce issues (including but not limited to).
Outside Maintenance – Who maintains what on the outside of my home?
The HOA provides maintenance, repair, and replacement of roofs, gutters & downspouts (but not drainage of water from the bottom of the downspout away from the owner’s and neighbors’ property), chimney surfaces (stucco/siding), and siding due to ‘normal wear and tear’ only. Any damage due to storm, abuse, or negligence by the resident of the home is the owner’s responsibility. Please contact the HOA with any questions or clarification needed.
The HOA also provides painting and staining for all exterior wood such as door trim, garage doors, decks, fences, and stairs on a 5-year rotating basis. You will be notified when your home will be done. Please remove all items from the deck and patio areas.
Note: Owners are responsible for keeping all wood items in good repair. Painting and staining will not be done where they have not been maintained and the HOA, at their discretion, may make the repairs for the painting/staining schedule to move forward and charge the owner for those repairs that are not covered by the HOA (decks, fences and stairs). In addition, the HOA on the same 5-year rotating basis paints front doors, garage doors, and wood trim around the doors. The HOA Declarations do not stipulate painting and staining of non-building surfaces (fences and decks) as a required service. However, this is a service the homeowners and/or Board of Directors have chosen to provide. Please stay tuned for discussion or updates.
Painting and Staining of Fences and Decks – I want to install a new deck and fence. Will the HOA paint/stain it?
Maybe. When you submit your request for addition/ repair to the Property Manager and approval by the HOA, you will be informed when your unit will be painted.
If it is in the schedule the same year as your construction, it will be included ONLY if it can be painted within the normal painting schedule of our contractors (Usually April – May). If your construction is done in a year when your unit is NOT scheduled to be painted, or if the construction is done outside of the time the painters are here, you will be responsible for the painting/staining at your own cost. The HOA can’t change the contracted painting schedule.
Parking – My family has 5 cars. Is there enough street parking?
Hilltop is unable to track vehicle registration/ ownership or the number of vehicles per household. However, Hilltop may enforce business activity as a compliance issue. Please use common courtesy in this regard. We have 3 cul-de-sacs and limited street parking, so this is the only way we can be fair to all residents and make sure everyone has room. You are free to park as many cars as you want in your garage and driveway.
Play Areas – I have young children. Are there any play areas?
No, only the area around your own home. There are no common areas, even though it may look like there are large areas of grass that are very tempting to play on. All homes are ‘fee simple’ meaning each home owns the property around it as described on the deed when purchased. Please respect your neighbors and ask permission if you want to use their private property.
Play Structures – Can I have a permanent play structure in my backyard or yard fence?
No. Hilltop Governing Documents prohibit any sort of separate structure (play structure, dog house, shed, etc.). New yard fences or electric dog fences are prohibited.
Roof or Gutter Leaks – What do I do if I have a roof or gutter leak?
If this is NOT storm or weather-related (see above if it is), please contact a contractor for repair or your insurance. If the problem is due to normal wear and tear, the HOA will pay for the repair. Depending on the type of problem, the HOA may ask the owner to get bids on the repair and the Board will need to approve the repair if it is to be submitted for reimbursement.
Rules and Regulations – What rules should I know when living in an HOA-governed community?
The basic Rules & Regulations of Hilltop as well as the Fines Policy are contained in separate documents located on the website.
Information pertaining to the make-up, definitions, and policies of the Hilltop Homeowners’ Association is detailed in the Hilltop Homeowners’ Association By-Laws. Information pertaining to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions to which all properties are subject, is detailed in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Hilltop. These documents were provided to all Owners upon purchase of a Hilltop
Selling my home – Do I need to notify anyone when I want to sell my home?
A: Yes. For a sale to close, you will need a Resale Certificate from the Hilltop HOA stating that all fees are paid up to date and that the home is in good repair. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO REQUEST THIS DOCUMENT! Notify the Property Manager as soon as you list your home. The paperwork can take a week or more to complete since an inspection of the home must be made to determine that there aren’t any compliance violations. If there are, they must be addressed before the Resale Certificate can be issued. This could take from 1-4 weeks, depending on any issues found.
When you list, or are planning to list, please contact the Property Manager Adam Westgate at
(717) 305-8332
Signage – Can I put up a political sign to support my candidate?
No. Signs are not permitted anywhere on a property (including in windows). The only signs permitted in Hilltop are real estate signs to sell your home.
Q: Does the HOA maintain the skylights?
A: No. The skylights and all glass surfaces (windows and doors, see Rules and Regulations) are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Snow Removal – Who does snow removal?
The HOA has contracted with a snow removal company to plow driveways, shovel sidewalks and walkways between the driveway and the courtyard gate. See separate document Snow Removal Policy for more details.
Solar Panels – Can I install on the property or the roof?
No. The HOA does not allow solar panels. Since the HOA is responsible for roof replacement from normal wear and tear, this is infeasible. The HOA Board researched options extensively in 2024. If you would like to review the report on this determination, please contact the HOA for a copy.
Storm Damage – What do I do if I have storm damage to my siding, roof or other area of my home?
Please contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier to file a claim. The HOA is only responsible for ‘normal wear and tear’ to exterior surfaces.
Q: What are swales (rocky areas behind some homes) and why are they there?
A: Swales are part of the required, engineered drainage system to control rainwater runoff. Please do not move or remove the stones from these areas.
Please do not leave bicycles, toys, etc., on sidewalks where someone could trip, or in the grass where a mower could run over them. Should this happen and the equipment or operator sustain injury or damage, the homeowner will be held responsible and billed for damage es.
Tree limbs and downed trees:
This is covered in the Rules and Regulations under Landscape Maintenance, paragraph 2, but it is SUCH a common question that we wanted to answer it here, too.
Q: I have a downed limb or tree. Does the HOA take care of removal?
A: No. Removal of downed tree limbs or entire trees (usually after a bad storm) is the responsibility of the homeowner.
Per the Declarations, the HOA is NOT responsible for pruning the pear trees next to the road that were planted by the developer. The Declarations only note original shrubbery trimming. Any l trees or shrubs that have been planted by subsequent homeowners and are the owner’s responsibility. See the Rules & Regulations under Garden and Landscape for more details.
The HOA cannot legally make specific recommendations for any service provider that we do not have a current contract with, so you are encouraged to do your own research and make your own decision.
Yard Sale – Does Hilltop have an annual Yard Sale?
The HOA may or may not have an Annual Yard Sale. It is not a required HOA service per the Original Declarations and may require homeowner volunteers to organize. Please stay tuned for updates. If a yard sale is organized, we ask anyone who is NOT participating to please park their cars in their driveway to provide as much street parking space as possible between the hours of 7 AM and about noon.
Question not answered here?
Check the Rules and Regulations listed on the Hilltop website at www.hilltophoa.com or contact ManagementHilltopHOA@gmail.com
Here’s the Property Manager’s contact information again:
(717) 305-8332
See also the “Legal” tab for Rules and Regulations, Penalties and General Info
Additional Files and Information
– Hilltop HOA – 2025 Painting and Staining Project