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Monthly Maintenance Fees
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*The monthly fee for 2024 is $182.00/mo.
Payments can be made electronically (set up through your bank to mail us a check), by mail or just drop your check in our special HOA box on Winding Hill Dr. at Nolt (next to regular PO boxes).
Please put your name or street address on your check when making your payment.
*Monthly maintenance fees in the next few years are anticipated to increase 10% per year, the maximum permitted by our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, however, each new Board sets the fee for the year in which they serve.
As has been communicated at the Annual Homeowner Meeting and other owner meetings, as well as by email and personally delivered documents, as a 35+ year old community, Hilltop has not set aside sufficient monies to repair or replace all the items, due to ‘normal wear and tear’, that now or in the future will need to be addressed per our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. These include “external surfaces” such as: roofs, chimneys, siding, gutters, etc.
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2025 Monthly Maintenance Fees
*The monthly fee for 2025 is $191.00/mo.
Hilltop HOA – 2025 Monthly Payment Coupons – pdf
Payments can be made electronically (set up through your bank to mail us a check), by mail or just drop your check in our special HOA box on Winding Hill Dr. at Nolt (next to regular PO boxes).
Please put your name or street address on your check when making your payment.
*Monthly maintenance fees in the next few years are anticipated to increase by 5 – 10% per year, the maximum permitted by our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, however, each new Board of Directors sets the fee for the year in which they serve.
As has been communicated at the Annual Homeowner Meeting and other owner meetings, as well as by email and personally delivered documents, as a 35+ year old community, Hilltop has not set aside sufficient monies to repair or replace all the items, due to ‘normal wear and tear’, that now or in the future will need to be addressed per our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. These include “external surfaces” such as: roofs, chimneys, siding, gutters, etc.